Want a Little Cheese With That Whine?

Good morning!  I hope your day is off to a nice start.

Depending on where you are in this country, the weather outside is somewhere between freezing and words you’d rather I don’t use here.  Believe me, the neighbors have heard them, probably the last time I worked on my truck.  Let’s just say I don’t have a lot of patience for things that don’t go according to plan.  Or split knuckles.  Vehicle maintenance involves both.

We all get frustrated.  And when we do, it’s easy to say things we wouldn’t say in church.  Oh, we may utter God’s name, but more as a hyphenated adjective.  And loud.  Nothing eases frustration like announcing our displeasure to the entire neighborhood all at once.  Just one more reason I no longer work on my own cars.  The neighbors took up a petition.  I lost.

Okay, there’s another reason.  I’ve found that life is a lot more pleasant when I’m floating in a swimming pool, playing with my grandkids, or simply gazing across the desert at the beauty of nature.  Besides, my cardiologist suggested I find more ways to avoid stress.  He didn’t exactly prescribe the bourbon, but I’ve been running my own tests.  So far, the data is leaning my way. 

We’ve all met people who go through life as if every waking moment is another reason to complain.  It’s too hot.  It’s too cold.  Gas is too expensive.  The boss is too cheap.  And everybody and everything in this world exists for the sole purpose of ticking them off.  Do yourself a favor.  If you’re around these people when the news comes on, find the nearest exit and run! 

I’ve always been into motivational reading and positive thinking.  I can’t say it’s always shone through in my daily life, but I try.  And I used to think I could spread some of that positivity to those who seem to have been cheated at birth.  But the fact is, angry people aren’t born that way – they’re miserable by choice.  It’s like a menu item that nobody wants, so they swallow everybody’s share.

In our discussions about living our best life, it should be obvious that this mindset doesn’t fit.  You can’t enjoy life if you’re unhappy with everybody and everything life has to offer.  To live that way is more crippling than a crushed spine.  There is no joy, because that would only remind them of what they’ve been missing their entire life.  There’s only misery.  And it’s always somebody else’s fault.

Bitterness is a poison.  We all know how it affects us emotionally, but the physical effects are even more damaging.  It causes headaches, high blood pressure, and all manner of illness.  In fact, the National Institutes of Health noted that 75-90 percent of illness is caused by anger and stress.  And the effects on the heart are even more devastating.  Seems like a lot of misery for … well, you know.

None of us are immune to disappointment.  That’s just a part of life.  It’s what we do with that disappointment that counts.  We can keep it in perspective and focus on things that offer a higher level of serenity.  Or we can nurture it and allow it to grow into the cancer of resentment.  Choose happiness.  Our days on this planet are numbered, anyway.  We might as well enjoy the ride. 

That’s all for now.  Have an awesome day and an even better week!

© 2024 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

Sour Grapes Don’t Make Sweet Jam

Good morning!  I hope your day is off to a great start.

So, here we are a week into the new year, and already planning next year’s resolutions.  Just me?  It’s not that I’m suddenly so proactive – just that I’m not ready to completely give up on the ones I’ve already blown out the window this time.  That’s the way this works.  If you really, really want to lose weight, you don’t just give up on the idea.  You set a new date.  That way, you keep the dream alive.

Okay, we all have our weaknesses.  Mine, apparently, is buttered popcorn.  And candy.  I went six months without touching a piece of candy, and then found a recipe to make one of my favorites at home.  It’s made from marshmallows, white chocolate chips, butter, and gum drops.  And I only have two pieces each day.  Then I have two more, just to keep it from going to waste.  Can I get an amen?

We’ve been talking about things that hold us back in life, and I’ll be the first to admit my greatest limitation is between my ears.  I can do anything for a week.  Beyond that, all bets are off.  I thought intermittent fasting was the key.  And it works!  But it doesn’t do much good to put off your first meal until noon if you eat a water buffalo for lunch.  I’m sure I read that somewhere.

You ever feel like you just need an attitude adjustment?  You ever feel like somebody else does?  I know I’m failing in my goal of losing weight, but that doesn’t mean I have to be miserable about it.  You see, that’s the part about goals they never tell us.  It’s okay to feel discouraged, even upset, about our failings.  But we don’t have to share them with the entire world.

We’ve all met people who couldn’t be happy if you handed them a bag of cash.  “Thanks!  Sure, it’s a lot of money, but the government is going to take it all in taxes.  And, what are all these ten-dollar bills doing in here?  Did the bank run out of fifties?  This won’t even buy a pound of bacon!  And now the whole family will want some, too.  See what you started?”   Sound familiar? 

Nothing can get in the way of our happiness quicker than a sour attitude.  We all know that.  Yet, some people not only embrace negativity, they buy it in bulk.  And when that runs out, they make more.  Misfortune is the only thing that makes these people happy.  And if you weren’t aware of just how sad their life is, pull up a chair.  They’ll be happy to enlighten you.

Then there are the others – people facing insurmountable odds, yet somehow, they never got the memo.  I’m often reminded of a woman in our church who faced terminal illness with such grace and positivity, cancer didn’t stand a chance.  Della didn’t stop living until her eyes closed for the last time.  And knowing how she lived, I’m sure she left this world with a contented smile on her face.    

I’m not sure every cloud has a silver lining, but if you look high enough, they’re all puffy and white.    Our choices is to sit here in the darkness or reach for something better.  We can’t change the challenges we’ll face, but we can change our response to them.  And if an octogenarian can face terminal cancer with such grace, I can handle pretty much anything life throws my way.  So can you. That’s all for now.  Put on a smile and have an awesome day!

© 2024 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

It’s Your Year – Make it Count!

Good morning, and happy New Year! I hope wherever you are, your day is off to a blessed start.

I know, I don’t usually write posts on holidays. But, being relegated to my own little corner in my own little chair (at the kitchen table) because of Covid, I find myself with all this creative energy and the need to do something constructive with it. I just hope this continues throughout 2024. The creative energy, not the Covid. All I can say is thank God for modern medicine. I’m much better.

I used to tell everyone my only New Year’s resolution was never to make another New Year’s resolution. It seemed to be the only one I could actually keep for 12 months. Over the years, I’ve resolved to get healthy (does surviving a stroke count?), write a book (don’t rush out to the store just yet), build my business (okay, laugh), and lose weight. That last one is the biggest joke of all.

I still want to do all those things, but I’ve learned you can’t just make a wish and expect those things to happen. Believe me, I’ve rubbed the finish off enough lamps over the years to realize there’s no genie waiting inside to magically grant my wishes. The only way for any of this to happen is for me to get up a little earlier each day and make it happen. So far all I’ve done is eat an earlier breakfast.

But you know, it all starts with a mindset. We can’t simply want to succeed; we have to focus on the reasons we want to succeed. Change for the sake of change is doomed to fail. I have a few bosses who could stand to learn that one. But change, based on a clear understanding of what was wrong in the first place, at least stands a chance. I’m not buying bigger pants. How’s that for motivation?

The other thing to keep in mind is that you can’t torment yourself to the achievement of a goal. You have to lighten up. That’s why I try so hard (and not always so successfully) to inject a little humor in what would be an otherwise boring message. It’s impossible to be miserable when you laugh. Okay, abdominal stitches aside. A comedy club is not the place to be right after hernia surgery.

But as a standup comedian, I usually ended my show by reminding my audience of the importance of laughter. I once did a tour with gout in both feet so bad I was nearly crippled. But from the start of my shows until the end, there was no pain – just exhilaration. Sure, the pain came back later, usually with a vengeance. “I’ll teach you to ignore me!” Oh well. It was worth it.

The point is, no matter what your goals for the coming year, face them with a sense of humor. Get rid of that contorted face and stop telling everyone how hard you’re working and what you’re giving up. Nobody wants to hear it, and it’s not doing you any favors, either. Just focus on the reason and enjoy the journey. Who knows? You might even make a few new friends along the way.

I have some dear friends whose health challenges this past year make mine look like a walk in the park. Some of them have no idea what the future may bring, but they’re still out there making the most of each day, because they can. So can you. No matter what 2023 threw your way, you made it this far. So, put a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and get on with life. You ain’t dead yet.

That’s all for now, friends. May 2024 bring you all peace, prosperity, health, and happiness. Have an awesome day!

© 2024 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

P.S. Those of you who have been with me over the years know how much I love hearing from you. I don’t write these posts for me – it’s all for you. Your feedback helps keep me inspired and on track. And if you know anybody who could use a little more positivity in their life, please share this link and invite them to come along. Together, we can make this thing rock!

Opportunity Knocks, But it Won’t Kick the Door Down

Good morning, folks!  I hope your day is off to a great start.

Mine could be better, but that’s how it goes.  The guy who NEVER gets sick woke up yesterday with an intense upper respiratory infection and, by the end of the day, testing confirmed Covid. I’ve had it twice before, but this one is absolutely the worst.  No, I didn’t get the new vaccine yet.  I was planning on it, but you know what they say about good intentions. 

I’m not going to dwell on this.  If it’s the worst thing that happens this year (you know, over the next two days), I’ve got it made. The only reason I mention it is to remind you all that vaccines are available, and this is a WHOLE lot worse than a sore arm.  Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I hope you’ll all give it some consideration.

We’ve talked a lot these past two weeks about not crawling into a grave before it’s time. Mostly, we talked about physical limitations and how we build them up in our mind.  It’s hard to enjoy an active life when you hurt, and even harder when you convince yourself it’s worse than it is.  Take it from someone who avoided energetic activities twenty years before he had a heart attack.

Another limitation has nothing to do with our physical condition, or our perception of it.  In my business, I ask people all the time to dream a bit – make a list of things they’d like to do if money were no object.  It’s amazing how quickly we all start to pare that list back, based entirely on our current financial resources.  It’s almost impossible to see past the roadblocks right in front of us.

And when you press the matter further, they can all come up with a dozen reasons they’ll never have the money to do half the things they want.  Born into a poor family, dead-end job, too many bills, no money to invest – the list goes on and on.  And no matter how hard you try, some people just can’t accept the fact that every one of those challenges can be overcome with one thing – more money.

Yeah, I know.  If earning more money would fix their problems, wouldn’t they be doing it?  You’d think.  But five years later, they’re still sitting there whining about their lot in life and how opportunity never knocks.  Well, get a clue, knucklehead!  It does knock, probably more than we think.  But opportunity is not like a bill collector.  If you don’t open the door, it moves on.

Take a few moments to think of all the times in your life you had the opportunity to increase your income.  That may have been as simple as learning a new skill at work, applying for a new job, moving to a city with better opportunities, whatever.  Do not … and I can’t stress this enough … do not try robbing banks.  On the other hand, you don’t need a lot of money in jail.  I’m just saying.

The point is we’ve all been faced with opportunities that we may have quickly dismissed or didn’t recognize in the first place.  Most times, it’s just a mental block.  “What would my friends say?”  Are they paying your bills?  “I don’t know anybody.”  That’s a lie.  You know me.  “If it was that good, everybody would be doing it.”  If you believe that, read these past few paragraphs again.

The new year is upon us, and resolutions are a traditional way to take our mind off the cold weather and mounting holiday bills.  If you want to lose weight, you can.  If you want to exercise, do it.  And if you want to be able to afford those things you couldn’t until now, fix it.  Will another year of doing the same thing magically turn things in your favor?  Something to think about.

That’s all for now.  Remember, the simplest ideas can often be the most profitable.  Sometimes, it really IS that easy.  You just have to take a gamble and put yourself out there.  Have a safe & happy New Year!

© 2023 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

You Ain’t Dead Yet!

Good morning, and happy Monday!  I hope your day is off to a nice start.

To say 2023 has been a challenge is an understatement.  Of course, we say that every year as if it’s something new and insightful.   But it’s true.  No matter how hard we try to make things better, life has a way of throwing a wrench in the spokes.  And the faster you’re going, the harder the fall.  It’s physics.  Blame Sir Isaac Newton.  He’s dead, anyway. 

It’s been six months since my stroke, and two things are obvious.  First, I’m not as young as I used to be.  Second, I’m still kicking.  I need to remind myself of that every day.  Sure, my body has seen finer days.  Along with my youth, I’ve said farewell to my upper-body strength, my ability to follow a conversation, and that unruffled demeanor I embodied my whole life.  Okay, and my memory, too.

I never really felt my age until this year.  Sure, I’ve seen the changes in the mirror.  Funny, I don’t notice all that gray hair until I go to the barber.  I used to wish they had clippers that just cut out the gray and leave the rest, but if they did, I’d come away looking like Vin Diesel.  That would be okay if I had his physique to go with it.  Let’s face it, my biceps are turning gray, too.

Another thing about getting old – every time doctors test for one thing, they find something else.  I’m still not sure how a brain scan showed testosterone deficiency, but they managed to find a way.  Okay, the doc calls it an enlarged aorta.  In other words, my heart is ticking in more ways than one.  And I’m not allowed to lift more than 30 pounds, ever.  Not that I could before, but still. 

Yet through it all, though, one fact remains – I’m still breathing.  I still have the ability to get out of bed every morning, however slowly.  I still work, though I don’t always remember what I did yesterday.  And I just drove 1800 miles in two days, mostly because I kept getting lost.  You’re welcome, Exxon.

So, I’m not as nimble as I used to be.  Who cares?  I’m still alive, and with each new day comes a new opportunity to try something different.  Sure, the results will be mixed.  But that adds a level of excitement.  Like stepping into the bull ring and finding out how fast you can run.  I already know the answer to that.  I couldn’t outrun a gerbil with a five-second head start.

We only have a certain amount of time left on this planet.  How we spend that time is a choice we make.  I may not be able to climb a mountain, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stand at the bottom and appreciate its beauty.  Or just turn a bull loose and maybe I can climb better than I think.  You never know.

As long as we’re breathing, we’re not done.  And everything is possible until we prove otherwise.  Challenge yourself.  Instead of accepting a self-imposed set of limitations, stretch those limits.  Change your mindset and you can change your life.  It’s easy.  Just get up each morning (however slowly), stand in front of a mirror, and repeat after me … “You ain’t dead yet!”

That’s all for now, folks.  Thumb your nose at whatever is standing in your way, then tell me all about it.  Let’s face this beast together.  Meanwhile, have an awesome day!

© 2023 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

Life Can Change Fast – Make the Most of It

Good morning!  I hope your day is starting off well.

It’s been a while since I last posted – just very busy between work and trying to enjoy this extended RV trip.  Which, by the way, I highly recommend whatever form of rest & relaxation you’re into.  It makes a world of difference.  More on that later.

For several months, my wife has been concerned about my health.  She noticed a lot of subtle changes that escaped me, but that’s the way it usually goes.  I’m not always the first to pick up on things.  But over the past month, I’ve noticed an issue maintaining focus, and my memory was slipping badly.  That’s hard for a guy like me to handle.

Then last Monday, my left hand went suddenly numb.  I wrote it off to some long-term circulation issues and went about my day.  Two days later, I couldn’t type, my feet were dragging and getting in the way of one another, and the confusion was more pronounced.  If your mind went straight to “stroke,” you’re smarter than I am, because that’s what it was.  My carotid artery was 85% blocked and had been releasing small pieces of plaque for three days.

First things first – if you ever have ANY symptoms of a stroke, don’t mess around with it.  Get help right away.  The doc told my wife if one decent sized piece of plaque had broken loose, the whole mess would have gone straight to my brain.  Needless to say, God had my back on that one.  This could have turned out completely different, and I’m blessed to still be upright.

A few more thoughts I’d like to share.  I’ve often said we all need to have a Plan B – something to fall back on just in case life takes an unexpected turn.  It doesn’t matter how secure you are, how well things are going, or how great a job you’ve got, things can change in an instant.  Our best-laid plans can be overturned, leaving us to pick up the pieces with little or no notice.  That’s scary.

Whether it’s a side income, a regular savings plan, family nearby, or whatever, we all need to ask ourselves from time to time, “What would I do if I lost what I have today, and had to continue without it?”  I’m not saying we should dwell on it every day, but it’s a very real possibility we all need to consider.

And, once you have some thoughts in mind, don’t wait until something bad happens.  Get started today.  Needs don’t go away, and time isn’t always on our side.  I’ve said this before, and it bears repeating – dig the well before you get thirsty.  Then all you have to do is turn it on.  If that day never comes, you’ll just be that much more secure.

Beyond all that, enjoy life.  I’ve never once read a tombstone that brags about a person’s job or how hard they worked.  All it has is a couple of dates.  Our life is everything that falls in between.  Enjoy it.  Make the most of it.  Kids will get by, and your job will be posted before the obituary.  Make time to enjoy the things you’ve worked to achieve.  You only get one chance.

That’s all for now.  I’m so happy to have this chance to reach out again.  Pay attention to your health, get to work on that Plan B, and enjoy every day on this planet.  Have an awesome day!

© 2023 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

What Are You NOT Eating?

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a nice start.

Every morning I get up and take a handful of pills. Two are for blood pressure, one is for allergies, and one is for acid reflux. I blame my kids for that one. The rest are vitamins and supplements that keep me healthy. Yes, they’re a little pricey. But I still spend less on vitamins in six months than it would cost me to miss a single day of work.

My doctor isn’t a fan of supplements. On the other hand, she does rely on repeat business from people who aren’t completely healthy, so her opinion may be a bit clouded. “All you need is a good, healthy diet.” Okay, she’s seen my belly. I think we can agree that ship already sailed. I don’t eat healthy food, but I do eat healthy portions. In the sense that “healthy” means hefty.

Yes, I know. A little self-control goes a long way. And there are foods our body needs a whole lot more than the foods we take in. Okay, for most of us. I know a few people who actually try. They eat lots of green vegetables, avoid red meat, and snack on carrots. They even do it with a straight face, as if they actually like it. But deep down, I know they’re craving a Twinkie.

The problem is even worse when you realize there’s nothing you can buy in your local grocery store that will give you all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. Nothing. Unless you throw that whole “healthy portions” thing out the window and use a dinner plate the size of a garbage can lid. Do that and you’ll be healthy as a horse, only slightly larger.

The problem is that, over the years, soil depletion from poor farming practices have left us with a selection of fresh produce that’s seriously deficient in nutrients. In fact, studies by USDA and several agricultural colleges suggest that, over the past fifty years, levels of certain nutrients in our produce have decreased by as much as 70%. How much do you need to eat now?

Granted, if you buy true organic produce, grown on certified farms, you get a little more for your money. But saying food is organic is like saying I’m educated. There are varying levels of each. And, to a large extent, you’re taking somebody you’ve never met at their word. Somebody who has every reason to convince you their product is better. Just ask them.

According to the USDA website, “Produce can be called organic if it’s certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.” That’s it. No artificial fertilizers or pesticides for three years. It could be withered and bug-infested, but it’s still organic. Yum!

On the other end of the spectrum, you have farms that follow true organic practices. They rotate crops, replenish the soil with minerals and nutrients, and use natural means of pest prevention, like planting trees alongside the fields that attract pests more than the plants themselves. And they’ve done it for decades, not just three years.

Two extremes, and both carry the same exact label – “Organic.” Yet, by comparison, one is nearly devoid of some nutrients due to soil depletion from years of poor farming practices. Which is which? Your guess is as good as anybody’s.

It gets worse. Have you ever wondered how you’re able to enjoy “fresh” fruits and vegetables that are completely out of season? Picture a ship coming from another continent, with huge bins of weeks-old produce under a blanket of pressurized gas to keep it from rotting before it reaches your dinner table. Organic or not, that’s what you’re eating.

If it sounds like I’m trying to wreck your appetite, I’m not. And I’m not trying to tell you to avoid fresh produce. It’s still a good source of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. It’s just not enough. Depending on your individual needs, there may still be areas where you need to supplement. Just don’t expect your doctor to be of much help.

Doctors treat symptoms and prescribe medicine. That’s their specialty. If you have a condition that’s easily traceable to a vitamin deficiency, they’ll tell you. Otherwise, you’re on your own. Most doctors believe store-bought vitamins are just a good way to make expensive urine. Yet, in the same breath, they’ll tell you to eat your veggies for the vitamins. Go figure.

My father-in-law used to say, “I eat to live – I don’t live to eat.” We all know the foods we need and which ones to avoid. Beyond that, we need to know what we’re missing and figure out how to replace it. Good food is a start. But, just as the right seasoning makes a stew taste better, the right vitamins can make good food healthier. I figure I’m worth it. How about you?

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!

© 2021 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

A Chill Pill a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start.

When was the last time you went … literally ANYWHERE … and thought, “Oh, man! I don’t have my Social Security card!” Unless you’re going to, like, the Social Security office, it’s not one of those things you’ll ever need to conduct any kind of business. It’s like that worn-out voter registration card that nobody ever asks for. You carry it because it looks important.

Okay, so put yourself five states away from home, and you get offered a new job. Awesome! And then they send you a bunch of paperwork to fill out, just because Best Buy has a sale on printers and the HR rep owns stock. You print the forms (after you spend six hours setting up the new printer), and then panic sets in … “Oh, man! I don’t have my Social Security card!”

Thankfully I had a copy buried in a file in my computer. Not where I would think to look for it, like in my “Employment” folder. No, I was much too sharp to fall for that! I stored it with my Key Lime pound cake recipes. Yes, I have more than one. Don’t judge.

Then I had to get it all witnessed by somebody who could look at my ID cards and verify that they’d seen them. Easy enough, right? Oh, and it couldn’t be my wife. I asked her to sign an ex-girlfriend’s name, but she refused. Sorry, it’s not like we have a lot of friends nearby. And the RV park manager refused. “I’m not getting into any of that!” Dude, it’s an employment form – not weed!

I realized later that I’d made an unfair assumption about him. You know … that he could read. Or maybe he’s just a jerk. You never know. But the bottom line is I had to figure out a way to get that form signed in time to start my new job. I sent it to my daughter. She signed it, I sent it in, and we all lived happily ever after. You know, until at least today. It’s still early.

Through that fiasco, I got a little more frustrated than I should have. Okay, I pitched a fit. It didn’t help that the printer wasn’t cooperating, I was having issues with my work computer, we’re out of ice cream, and the grill wouldn’t light. Can we say “Monday?”

I used to tell my daughters that stress is like a glass of water. When it’s empty, you can fill it halfway with room to spare. Even at the halfway point, you’re not in danger of spilling anything unless you walk like I do. But fill that glass all the way to the top, and all it takes is an obstinate park manager to run it over the top. Thankfully I brought my frustration home – to my wife.

Stress is a silent killer. Medical research suggests that as much as 90% of medical problems requiring treatment by a primary care doctor are stress related. Read that again, because it’s important. Ninety percent. And you know what that means, right? When your kid tells you to take a chill pill, it’s out of love and genuine concern for your long-term health. Right.

Stress is like a swarm of mosquitoes. It’s always there, and given half a chance, it’ll mess up the best of days. You can avoid it, but sooner or later it’ll catch up. And that’s not always a bad thing. A little stress keeps us on our toes and helps keep the adrenaline flowing. But, like that glass of water, it builds up fast. And when it does, something has to give.

To make matters worse, doctors treat a lot of medical conditions brought on by misguided efforts to alleviate stress. Alcoholism, drug use, even some sports injuries, are often the result of stress avoidance. Sports injuries? Absolutely! Some people run to escape stress. I’ve found stress runs a lot faster than I do, so I don’t even try. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

But instead of that evening cocktail, maybe we could go outside and take a walk. Not a brisk cardio walk, but a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood. Do you have a hobby? How long has it been since you’ve devoted any time to that? How about spending a little time focusing on your dreams? There is no stress in dreams, and if there is, we really need to talk.

The point is, if you give stress half a chance, it’ll wear on your soul and make mountains out of molehills. You can never escape stress, but you can manage it. Even if it’s just a temporary reprieve, that’s usually enough to get you back on track. Like taking a nap. The world and its problems are still there, but a little breather makes them that much easier to face.

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!

© 2021 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

Is Health a Part of Your Dreams?

Good morning, and happy Friday! I hope your day is off to a great start.

One of the last things I promised my dad, while he was still coherent enough to understand, was that I’d lose weight and get healthy. Granted, we had differing ideas on exactly how that’s done. Dad was always a firm believer that weight is 100% related to what goes in your mouth. I tend to believe it takes a combination of both diet and exercise. Which is why I’m still fat.

Not because I’m wrong – but because that’s two disciplines at once, each a beast of its own and a tall mountain to climb. I can modify my eating. I can exercise. But doing both at once is like standing on my head while juggling chainsaws. Sooner or later, you grab a Big Mac by the wrong end and fall completely off the wagon. And once you do, it’s all so easy to go back to old habits.

Just before he went into the hospital, Dad’s doctor gave him a diet and Dad decided it would be the magic elixir to restore my health, vitality, and youth. The only problem is that diet included no red meat – ever. Okay, I know red meat isn’t the best thing for your health. But Dave without any red meat isn’t good for anybody’s health. Trust me on that.

Years ago, I lost 40 pounds. I was going to the gym most days, and my diet consisted of a modified version of what I’d been eating. By modified, I don’t necessarily mean abbreviated, though smaller portions were part of my strategy. I just made a few small changes, things I could live with for the long-term. You know, until I wasn’t living with them anymore.

I didn’t fall off the program because I got bored with it, or it was too hard to follow. By then, I truly enjoyed working out and didn’t miss any of the things I’d given up in my daily consumption. But life has a way of throwing a knuckleball when you least expect it. In my case, it was the birth of a granddaughter, and all the subsequent evenings in the hospital, complete with fast-food dinners.

It’s been said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and several weeks to fully accept it. Old habits, on the other hand, can be picked up in twelve seconds flat. That’s how long it took me to wolf down that first hot & juicy (translate – lukewarm & greasy) cheeseburger. Throw in a large order of fries (it was going to be a long night) and I was right back where I started. Four months later, so was my weight.

So, why is a motivational writer talking about health and fitness? Because health and fitness are a big part of a complete and fulfilling life. That’s not to say sick and disabled people can’t be happy – they can, and many have learned to enjoy an abundant life despite the challenges. But I think every one of them will tell you they’d rather be healthy as well.

Dreams, the kind that motivate us to get up and do something, rarely involve sitting in the sand as everybody else is racing into the water. Few people have visions of rolling down the boardwalk in a wheelchair or cruising the campground on a mobility scooter. We want to walk, and climb, and run, and dance. Okay, maybe not so much running. It’s not as fun as it looks.

Does that mean a strict diet with smells and flavors that would make a catfish vomit? Does it mean running (literally) to the gym every morning for a three-hour workout followed by tofu bacon and cream of quinoa? Does it mean celery sticks for lunch and a protein shake for dinner before the evening run? No. But it does mean making a few sensible choices.

Those choices begin in the grocery store, and end on a dinnerplate. They begin with turning off the TV and taking an evening walk instead. They begin with eating healthier foods and supplementing to make up the difference. It’s about habits – things we do without even thinking about them. And the best way to form healthy habits is to make small changes and build from there.

Some habits need more of a big-bang approach, like smoking and drinking where cold-turkey is often the best way to go. But for other habits, especially those that aren’t inherently unhealthy (you know, like eating), small changes can get you on the right track. Once you get used to those changes, add in something new. One step at a time, one day at a time. One win at a time.

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!

© 2021 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

What On Earth Are You Eating???

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a nice start.

I like food. We’ll just get that out there right now. If you could see my belly, that’s all the proof you’d need. And so, it stands to reason that I might spend a little time checking out online recipes. Especially since Red Lobster decided the world no longer needs its coconut shrimp bites. Thanks a lot! But, as it turns out, there’s an excellent copycat recipe online. So there!

Lately, I’ve been focusing more on healthy eating. That’s not to say I actually do it – just that it’s something I think about. But it’s the thought that counts, right? My wife always says that as she opens her Christmas gifts, so it must be true. Now, if somebody could just explain that to my bathroom scale.

The problem with healthy eating, in my opinion, is simply a matter of taste. Well, sometimes you have to get past the smell first. There is no green leafy vegetable on earth that smells good when you cook it. God didn’t invent one. If you’ve ever wondered what a wet diaper would smell like in the microwave, just steam some broccoli. The two are about identical.

But God has a sense of humor. I love a nice cold beer. Problem is, we can’t just drink beer all day. I’m sure I read that somewhere. Broccoli, on the other hand, is supposed to be one of nature’s most nutrient-packed foods, right up there with liver and spinach. Plus, you can never eat too much broccoli because it tastes like turpentine. I’ve done the research.

Yet, as I look through row after row of whacked-out flavors of potato chips, it occurs to me that corporate chemists can replicate just about any flavor. I have my doubts on that, but I’ve never actually tried the vinegar & pumpkin spice, so for all I know they nailed it.  And if that’s the case, answer me this – why hasn’t anybody figured out how to make broccoli taste like beer?

America is one of the richest, most technologically advanced nations, yet we are among the most mal-nourished people on the planet. Notice I didn’t say under-nourished. We’re eating plenty. Too much, in fact. But what we’re eating is about as nutritious as those Styrofoam peanuts in the Amazon box. Don’t laugh. I’m pretty sure they’re on the keto diet.

And, being the land of opportunity, there is an entire industry based on helping us spend our hard-earned money on weight-loss products that promise to make us lose weight while we sleep and taste like those Styrofoam peanuts with a dash of powdered almonds. Nobody loses weight, because nobody actually eats that stuff. Not without fries.

Well, the good news is you can get used to anything if you give it enough time. I’ve seen kids in other countries eating grasshoppers without pinching their nose, so I know it can be done. And I hear they’re loaded with protein. Yeah. So is peanut butter, and it goes a lot further on a piece of toast.

To be honest, there are some meal replacements that taste great, have a pleasant consistency, and provide all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. “But they’re so expensive!” Really? Compared to what? A Big Mac? Take another look. And take another taste while you’re at it. They’ve come a long way over the years. The meal bars, that is.

I think the biggest problem with some of these products is in our own mind. You drink a shake that has all the vitamins and nutrients you need and enough fiber to hold you over for at least a few hours. You’re satisfied – not full, but no longer hungry. And then your brain kicks in. “Well, that was my drink. Now what’s for lunch?” Willpower is still a factor.

I’ve found a brand of meal replacements I really like. I don’t care for certain flavors, and none of them taste like steak. But you can always get vanilla and mix it up the way you want. Nothing says we can’t get creative. Just don’t load up your breakfast smoothie with candy bars and caramel syrup. It kinda defeats the purpose.

We can only cheat the system for so long when it comes to our health. Nothing says you can’t have that cheeseburger, and we should enjoy the things we eat. But balance it out with something healthier. Whether that’s broccoli, smoothies, or meal bars, find what works for you and stick with it.

Good health is one of those things we think about later in life, after we’ve made all the wrong decisions and are living with the consequences. We’re in the middle of a global health crisis that isn’t getting any better. Nothing can prevent us from getting sick, which is why it’s all the more important to be healthy at the outset. You can only take out what you put in. Make it count.

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day!

© 2020 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved