Want a Little Cheese With That Whine?

Good morning!  I hope your day is off to a nice start.

Depending on where you are in this country, the weather outside is somewhere between freezing and words you’d rather I don’t use here.  Believe me, the neighbors have heard them, probably the last time I worked on my truck.  Let’s just say I don’t have a lot of patience for things that don’t go according to plan.  Or split knuckles.  Vehicle maintenance involves both.

We all get frustrated.  And when we do, it’s easy to say things we wouldn’t say in church.  Oh, we may utter God’s name, but more as a hyphenated adjective.  And loud.  Nothing eases frustration like announcing our displeasure to the entire neighborhood all at once.  Just one more reason I no longer work on my own cars.  The neighbors took up a petition.  I lost.

Okay, there’s another reason.  I’ve found that life is a lot more pleasant when I’m floating in a swimming pool, playing with my grandkids, or simply gazing across the desert at the beauty of nature.  Besides, my cardiologist suggested I find more ways to avoid stress.  He didn’t exactly prescribe the bourbon, but I’ve been running my own tests.  So far, the data is leaning my way. 

We’ve all met people who go through life as if every waking moment is another reason to complain.  It’s too hot.  It’s too cold.  Gas is too expensive.  The boss is too cheap.  And everybody and everything in this world exists for the sole purpose of ticking them off.  Do yourself a favor.  If you’re around these people when the news comes on, find the nearest exit and run! 

I’ve always been into motivational reading and positive thinking.  I can’t say it’s always shone through in my daily life, but I try.  And I used to think I could spread some of that positivity to those who seem to have been cheated at birth.  But the fact is, angry people aren’t born that way – they’re miserable by choice.  It’s like a menu item that nobody wants, so they swallow everybody’s share.

In our discussions about living our best life, it should be obvious that this mindset doesn’t fit.  You can’t enjoy life if you’re unhappy with everybody and everything life has to offer.  To live that way is more crippling than a crushed spine.  There is no joy, because that would only remind them of what they’ve been missing their entire life.  There’s only misery.  And it’s always somebody else’s fault.

Bitterness is a poison.  We all know how it affects us emotionally, but the physical effects are even more damaging.  It causes headaches, high blood pressure, and all manner of illness.  In fact, the National Institutes of Health noted that 75-90 percent of illness is caused by anger and stress.  And the effects on the heart are even more devastating.  Seems like a lot of misery for … well, you know.

None of us are immune to disappointment.  That’s just a part of life.  It’s what we do with that disappointment that counts.  We can keep it in perspective and focus on things that offer a higher level of serenity.  Or we can nurture it and allow it to grow into the cancer of resentment.  Choose happiness.  Our days on this planet are numbered, anyway.  We might as well enjoy the ride. 

That’s all for now.  Have an awesome day and an even better week!

© 2024 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

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