Confidence is So Under-Rated

Good morning, and happy Friday! I hope your day is off to a great start.

As we move into the new year and toward the goals we’ve set for ourselves, it’s important to identify what’s standing in the way. It’s not so much about avoiding obstacles, but kicking them in the shins and showing them who’s boss. Now, if you have any ideas for making winter more accommodating to an old guy who needs to get out and walk, I’m all ears.

Today is my oldest granddaughter’s 16th birthday. Yes, I’m that old. She was born when I was 12. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Like most her age, she’s struggling to plan her path in life. What I wouldn’t give to be that age and have all those choices again. Okay, I’d probably end up right where I am, but hopefully with a smaller waistline. Hey, a man can dream!

Watching her navigate this phase of life, the things that stand out most are her creativity, sense of adventure, acceptance of others, and ability to find amusement in the simplest things. All those things will carry her far in this life. She just needs to know that. Of all the assets we can impart to our kids (and one another), none is more important than self-confidence.

Okay, my oldest grandson sometimes takes that to an extreme. It’s hard to control my facial expressions when he’s talking about buying a $150,000 sports car and can’t even afford a bicycle. But I have to remind myself, that’s his dream, not mine. Besides, there may be a reason he wants a car I couldn’t possibly fit into. I wouldn’t want to ride with me. Not with this attitude.

I try as hard as I can to be supportive, and to remind myself that they don’t have to live my life – my job is to help them live their own. Do I think my grandson will own a “Lambo” in the next twenty years? Not for a second. But I don’t have to share that sentiment. His bank will handle that all on their own. Right after they stop charging him overdraft fees.

But you know, I made some of the same mistakes when I was his age. Or five years ago, take your pick. I’m sure my dad would have advised me against spending six figures on a motorhome at this age, but I didn’t ask. We made our own decision based on our own goals in life. I’m such a rebel. Next thing you know, I’ll be tying my own shoes.

I’ve accomplished a lot in life, and I’m happy to be where I am. This is all I want for my kids and their kids. And I did it because my parents gave me the most wonderful gift of all. They believed in me and, as a consequence, I believed in myself. I never heard the words, “You can’t.” The worst Mom ever said was, “Go ahead – I dare you!” But that’s for another day.

Everybody, from the youngest child to the oldest senior, needs to believe in themselves. It’s as important as oxygen. And we are the ones who can inspire that confidence in them. If a simple smile can make a homeless person feel important, imagine what we can do with a few words of encouragement to those we love most. Friends, we could literally change the world.

That’s all for now. Have an awesome day and an even better weekend!

© 2024 Dave Glardon – All rights reserved

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